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Digital Blog

Image 01 08 2018 At 10.47We are just back from a family weekend celebrating my Father in laws 80th Birthday. Happy times with extended family of all ages reflecting on how time flies!

I returned to a 2 day in Practice training event with the whole team as we completed our move to the Digital World by introducing a wireless scanning tool to record images instead of using wet impressions material!

Long standing patients here ( of whom there are many) are the backbone of our Practice and they are very familiar with how things change at Helens Bay. It was 13 years ago that we started digital scanning to allow us to mill crowns and inlays in house. This continues to develop and progress and our dentists are among the most experienced in the UK in this field The skills have now been expanded through the entire team allowing new exciting work areas to develop for the nursing team.

At Helens Bay Dental the “Family” is comprised of team members of many ages some in situ 24 years and others less than a year. Together we are learning and introducing the latest technologies to make the patient experience and treatment outcomes the best and most innovative available anywhere! There are more exciting changes to come in 2018, news to follow!

How time flies at work when you are having fun and learning new skills to improve more smiles!
