We are open Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 5pm and Friday: 8:30am - 4pm.

Please contact the main practice number to access our emergency
our-of-hours cover information.
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Preventive Dental Care

Preventive dental care is an essential feature of our practice. Maintaining and achieving optimal dental health is our aim and this is why we recommend that our patients visit our Dental therapist on a regular basis.

Please click here for details of our Dental therapist.
What can a dental therapist do for you?

  • Teach good oral hygiene techniques – individually tailored to your specific needs, helping you to have clean, fresh breath.
  • Help you keep your teeth for life – with care on your part this is achievable.
  • Advise you on your personal oral hygiene needs.
  • Help to keep your teeth meticulously clean.
  • Help you to maintain a life long smile by keeping your teeth and gums health.

Our Dental therapist offers convenient and accessible appointments for all patients.
